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Senior Pastor Dan Lin

主任牧師 林重光

Prior to call the fulltime ministry, Pastor Dan Lin owned a jewelry wholesale company in New York City. And her wife Kay was raising their two children, Caleb and Justine. When God miraculously call Pastor Lin through prophetic words of two pastors and layperson to leave his business and serve God in fulltime of the vow of his mother who have offered him to serve God.


Subsequently, through the leading Holy Spirit, they moved their family from east coast to sunny California. And in 2003, the Lord blessed them with the third child, Ian just as God launched them into fulltime pastoral ministry.


再被主呼召之前,林牧師在美國紐約經營一家珠寶批發公司,而林師母則是在家帶兩個小孩 Caleb 和Justine。神蹟般的透過兩位牧師和一位信徒的預言來呼召林牧師,要求他離開現在事業專心來服侍主,以成全他的母親在神前面的起誓。隨後,在聖靈帶領之下,他們舉家從東岸搬到充滿陽光的加州。2003年,林牧師夫婦開始全職牧道時候,神也賜給他們第三個孩子,異恩。

Greeting From Pastor Dan Lin


Welcome to HOC Bethel Church.  We would love to introduce you to our God who made the cosmos and all beings.   He not only created us but He also redeemed us through His Son Jesus Christ. The Bible in John 3:6 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.”  Please come and join us.  Together, we will learn to know Him, to love Him, to follow Him and to serve Him.  May God bless you.



我們很高興介紹您這位創造宇宙萬物的神。 衪不但創造了我們,也拯救了我們。聖經在約翰福音三章十六節說,“神愛世人, 甚至將衪獨生愛子賜給他們,叫一切信衪的人,不至滅亡,反得永生。”



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